Venger Sightings!!

I've been so busy with a variety of Venger projects that I thought it was time for an update. Issue 2 of The Venger: Dead Man Rising is still scheduled for release in October. Jason's as excited as I am to get back to the book.
The finished art for the Ronin Variations Presents: The Venger #1 is rolling in and looks great! The three artists are doing fabulous work and it is really cool to see the different 'takes' these guys are having on the same story, entitled The Venger: Dead Man's Revenge. The story features both Vengers. John 'Dadicus' West is joining in as well and providing the grayscales for the title.
After the horror of Hurricane Katrina there has been a huge outpouring of support from the comics community to help the affected areas. There have been many auctions announced. Ronin Studios has decided to publish HOPE: New Orleans, a hurricane relief book featuring stories by many, many creators. The whole Venger team- me, Jason and John- will be contributing a 7 page story, The Venger: Dead End, featuring the original Venger in New Orleans in the 1930s. Look for this in February 2006.
Finally, the spring of 2006 will see the publication of Ronin Illustrated #12, the studios' flagship title. This also will mark the two-year anniversary of Ronin. As such, #12 will be a giant sized landmark issue featuring landmark stories. Included among them is 'The Venger: Deadly Beginnings- Prologue', featuring the origin of the original Venger, Alexander Cabot! Dadicus and I welcome Rudy Vasquez onboard for this exciting chapter in the Venger story.