The Venger Movie Trailer

My good friend Grant Chastain has created a promotional trailer for The Venger: Dead Man Rising. We worked together going over the storyboards of how the trailer should 'run' but the hard work was done by Grant. The music for it was suggested to me by fellow Ronin board member Atticus, who is also doing some artwork for Ronin Variations Presents and the upcoming and still unnamed Venger Special.
Ronin has created several of these promotional trailers and will be running them at many of the comic book conventions next year. There might be one or two minor things that we tweak but this is basically it. I have placed it on a free hosting site for download. Once a find a better host I will re-post the trailer. If anyone has problems loading or viewing please let me know and I'll try to work with you directly.
Also please check back shortly for a very important announcement concerning the future of The Venger: Dead Man Rising.

Excellent trailer, Matt! I will definitely mention this in my column and on my blog.
Thanks Brant!
Hey man, didn't know if you saw or were aware of this:
Well, it doesn't look like the entire link posted. There's a feature on The Venger at Newsarama right now.
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